Saturday, October 11, 2008


As many of you know, I have been doing Weight Watchers since June. So far, I'm almost 30 pounds down...almost 40 more to go!
John mentioned a cobbler to a friend at church the other day and she said she would like the I wanted to share this great Weight Watchers recipe with others that have weight struggles. John found this for me a couple of months ago and it's good for those of us that have a sweet tooth and need to indulge!

Weight Watchers Cobbler
2 lbs. no sugar added bags frozen fruit - do not thaw (we have used cherries and peaches, ummm good!)
1 box yellow cake mix
1 can diet 7 up or sprite zero

In a 9 by 13 pan, place frozen fruit in bottom, sprinkle with dry cake mix, pour entire can of soda over cake mix. Cover with foil and bake 20 minutes in a preheated 350 degree oven. Uncover and bake an additional 40 minutes.
When cooled, cut into 12 equal parts. 1/12 = 3 points

At my Weight Watchers meeting last week, some of the people were talking about using any cake mix and combining it with any caffeine free diet, creme soda, coke, grape, etc...from what they say, this comes out much like a sponge cake and it's so tasty that it doesn't need, if you try something like this, let me know. I'm going to try it soon!

Postings from our church fall festival and a trip to Parker Homestead coming soon!

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